Monday, May 16, 2011

Who needs a DSLR?

So many people have asked me "what gear are you using"? with the implication that having good gear makes good photos.

Chase Jarvis coined the phrase "the best camera is the one that's with you" and has developed an online ecosystem of users submitting photos developed from their iphones.

This theory that you don't need a pro level camera to take good photos is something I have been testing out lately and it has made me more aware of the sheer fact that photography is all about what we see and interpret, it's a way to capture our thoughts visually and share those with everyone.

Here is some of my own stuff taken on my iphone, enjoy!

more after the break...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In tradition...

In the Filipino tradition they have 40 days of mourning, which involve prayer on the first night, then prayer every Sunday until the 40th day, of which there is a final prayer and then celebration. Here is some of the pics from the final night. Thanks to everyone who have messaged me privately with their condolences and words of support and love. Mum has since gone back to Philippines to be with her brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and cousins for a bit of R&R - something that is definitely needed. This blog ends my series on the tribute to my father, I hope that I can carry his spirit and his legacy of love for art through my photography and through my music. Thanks for reading :)

Final prayer